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From the start, Coca-Cola has been an American staple. The crisp, refreshing taste of an ice-cold Coke pairs just as well with a hotdog and a baseball game as it does popcorn and movie. But did you know that it can also be a great complement to a long run? Runners drink Coke because the …

Read More about Why Do Runners Drink Coke? (What Science Says About Performance)

Hiking boots are sturdier and have greater traction than regular shoes, so you might think they’re ideal for running. However, that’s not entirely true. You can run in hiking boots for smaller distances, but wearing them for long runs may lead to injury, fatigue, and blisters. Instead, try trail-running-specific shoes or even a hardy pair …

Read More about Can You Run in Hiking Boots? (Based on 7 Important Criteria)

Many people enjoy listening to content during their runs to make the time go by quickly. Earbuds are a popular choice of device for anybody who wants to listen to music or a podcast on the go, but are they good for running? You can wear earbuds for running, but choose a pair that stays …

Read More about Can You Run with Earbuds? (Tips on Finding The Perfect Running Earbuds)

One of the main reasons people have a hard time getting into any exercise routine is that it feels awkward at first. Starting something new can get you out of your comfort zone, which can be frightening for many people. But why does running feel awkward? Running may feel awkward because you think people are …

Read More about Why Does Running Feel Awkward? (Tips on Improving Running Confidence)

Experienced runners and newbies alike know the struggle. Your breathing is labored, your stride is constricted and herky-jerky, and you feel like you’ve aged 20 years since your last run. What is it about the first mile that makes it so hard? The first mile of a run is harder because of both the physical exertion …

Read More about Why is the First Mile of a Run So Hard? (Both Physically and Mentally)

So, you want to go running but are tired of the monotonous pounding on the pavement and ready for a new workout. A track workout is perfect! Does running on a middle or high school track okay? Yes, running on a middle or high school track is generally okay, assuming the school is not actively …

Read More about Can I Run on a Middle or High School Track? (Social & Legal Concerns)

Have you ever wondered why people run in the street instead of using the sidewalk? Runners often run in the street or road because asphalt is softer than concrete. Runners also find that there’s less of a slope, they feel more courteous, and it’s more convenient for them. Read on to find out why runners …

Read More about Why Do Runners Run in the Street or Road Instead of the Sidewalk?

Watching a race may be slightly confusing if you’re new to track and field. Why are the runners starting at different places? Isn’t that unfair? Runners start at different places during track races to compensate for the difference in the distance of their lanes. If the ends of a race track are oval, the outer …

Read More about Why Do Runners Start at Different Places? (Track Lanes Explained)

If you’re a runner and you love listening to music or your favorite podcasts, then wearing headphones while running may seem like a great idea. Is it really that simple? Yes, you can run in headphones safely and comfortably. Try to avoid running on busy, heavily trafficked routes. Look for quieter streets, a local park, …

Read More about Can You Run in Headphones? (Examining the Pros and Cons)

While most modern running shoes use cutting-edge materials, cloud-like cushioning, and precise designs to account for your pronated or supinated stride, there is a movement that goes in precisely the other direction. Minimalist running encourages runners to return to their most natural style, with some even going so far as to encourage barefoot running. If …

Read More about Can You Run in Water Shoes (Are They a Legitimate Minimalist Option?)